Meet the
Grand Marshal

Cardboard cutout of a person wearing a light green outfit, holding a book, and waving. Green and gold balloons and St. Patrick's Day banners in the background add to the festive spirit reminiscent of Noreen Coffey's lively celebrations.

Our 40th Anniversary Grand Marshal hails from Killarney, Ireland County Kerry

We are happy to introduce Noreen Coffey as our 40th Grand Marshal! She is the tenth Grand Marshal from Ireland who has rolled in the parade. Since she couldn’t make it to Halfway Day, we had her cutout stand-in for her. This popular lady is an avid golfer and a known commodity around Killarney. Make sure to meet and greet her!

2024 Seimone Augustus

An LSU basketball great will be featured in Baton Rouge St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Judy Bergeron, The Advocate03/13/2024

Seimone’s story should capture the imagination of all youngsters. A graduate of Capitol High School in Baton Rouge, she is the greatest and most accomplished athlete to ever call the Capital City home. She will long be remembered as LSU’s greatest female student-athlete. Google her name and you’ll find the cover of Sports Illustrated asking “Is she the next Michael Jordan?” To LSU and women’s basketball, she is. Her accomplishments keep mounting. She is a former professional basketball player who is one of the most recognizable faces in the WNBA. This eight-time All-Star will be inducted into the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in April 2024. She is an example of an athlete whose career merits recognition at the highest level of basketball achievement. We are thrilled to have her as our 39th Wearin’ of the Green Grand Marshal. Her smile radiated the entire route. Thank you Seimone!

2023 Tim Mocker

“Get your green on and head out to St. Patrick’s parade on Saturday.”

Judy Bergeron, Staff Writer  The Advocate03/15/2023

Timothy Mockler, just as his father, the late Gary Mockler, and brother, Patrick Mocker, lead the Wearin’ of the Green St. Patrick’s Day Parade as Grand Marshal for 2023. Pictured is Tim and wife, Kimberly. Tim is President of longtime Baton Rouge beer and spirits distributor, Mocker Beverage Company. The Budweiser Clydesdales led the parade in grand style… such a treat to have them join our parade. Tim’s Grand Marshal float featured giant Budweiser Light and Budweiser bottles.

Immediately behind their float was the Mocker Beverage float which carried many friends and employees. The year may also be remembered by the sleet that started off the day.

2022 Todd Graves

Baton Rouge’s St. Paddy’s parade returns. Businesses grateful for the first Wearin’ of the Green procession since 2019.”

Robert Stewart, Staff Writer The Advocate03/19/2022

Grand Marshal Todd Graves brought an exciting new dimension to the Wearin’ of the Green St. Patrick’s Day Parade by not only having wife Gwen accompany him on the lead float but also popular rapper Nelly. Graves and his Raising Canes crew tossed out customized beads for Canes and for the Wearin’ of the Green Parade in addition to Irish dressed foot high Cane pups plus their 2 1/2′ counterpart dogs. The kids loved it.

As Grand Marshal, Todd did so many things which we will elaborate on in our upcoming Wearin’ of the Green Magazine (due out early 2023.) Todd brought back the Southern University Human Jukebox and they played to entertain the crowds. After the parade, Todd, Nelly and a crowd of thousands were at the Earlapalooza as well as other local establishments in the area.

2021 Todd Graves

“Wearin of the Green parade out for this year; watch WBRZ special about the celebration instead.

Judy Bergeron, Staff Writer The Advocate03/12/2021

No one could have imagined the total shutdown the Covid Pandemic forced upon us. A year earlier we were thinking that the parade would be pushed back a month or two or, at worst, until the Fall. However, Fall 2020 came and went with no plans to resurrect the parade. By January 2021, we were restless but, in a sense, scared to come out of our homes and live life. Todd Graves, our 2020 Grand Marshal became our 2021 Grand Marshal. We layed low. The media and government, in this writer’s opinion, had literally scared us inside. We heard from many of our Krewes and the faithful ones stayed with us. We are so grateful for these Krewes… to each and every rider.

2020 Todd Graves

“Baton Rouge’s Wearin’ of the Green St. Patrick’s Day parade postponed”

Staff Report, The Advocate03/12/2020

Todd Graves was announced as the 2020 Grand Marshal in 2019 at a Halfway Day event held at The Merchant on Perkins Road (years ago known as ZeeZee Gardens). Over the next several months, grand plans were made for Graves’ year as Grand Marshal. At that time we talked about turning the Mississippi River green but due to the mighty current that idea was tabled. One of the things we wanted to do was to involve more of Baton Rouge, not just the Perkins Road area. With the help of Visit Baton Rouge, we started Greening Baton Rouge. Our initial attempt was for businesses and homes to turn their porch lights or front lights green in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. The Parade Group would love our parade to truly infuse the entire Baton Rouge economy one day. The Saturday prior to the planned 35th parade the first Emerald Party was held at a downtown venue with Todd Graves bringing in Snoop Dogg to please the crowds. The event was a huge success with no warning that a week later life would drastically changed. Shamrocks were painted down Ora Street the morning of the Emerald Party just like we do Parade Morning along the Parade Route. Little did anyone know what would happen less than a week later. However, the Thursday prior to the 2020 parade it was officially postponed.

2019 Father Mike Moroney ☘️

“”Twas a green old time, at 34th annual ‘Wearin’ of the Green’ St. Patrick’s Day parade in Baton Rouge.”

The Advocate – 3/16/2019

Announced at a HalfWay Day event*, Father Mike Moroney was our 34th Wearin’ of the Green St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshal. Father Michael J. Moroney has dual citizenship as he is from Althea, Ireland and is pastor at St. Alphonsus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Father Mike, in his March 10 Church Bulletin said that St. Patrick has been a remarkable role model for many Irish priests, brothers, sisters and missionaries for generations. It is because of his inspiration that many Irish young men and women have gone to all corners of the world building schools, hospitals and especially spreading the Catholic faith. Joining Father Mike on his float were his sister, Siobhan NiMaholrouni, nephew, Aedan Moroney, and friend, Rodge Byrne, from Ireland. Close friends riding on the Grand Marshal float were Ray & Beverly Heil, Bo & Patty Stepp, Robert & Carla Kusch, Nik & Kelley Stein, Wesley Stein, Donner Stein, Shanna Boone, Keira Boone, Xander Boone, and Mike & JoAnn Stein. *Halfway Day is celebrated mid-September and is halfway to the next parade!

☘️ From Ireland

2018 Patrick Mockler

“Irish or not, the annual Wearin’ of the Green Parade is a special day in Baton Rouge”

RED, The Advocate 3/16/2018

Announced at a HalfWay Day event*, Patrick Mockler reigned as the Grand Marshal of the 33rd parade. Pictured with him is his wife Shelley Mockler. Not pictured are his two sons who also rode with them. The Mockler krewe really stepped the parade up by having Parish County Line on board their float playing. Patrick’s father, Gary Mockler, was our 2003 Grand Marshal. The Mockler family has been a great supporter of this parade since its inception.

*Halfway Day is mid-September and is halfway to the next parade!!

2017 Garafola, Gerald, Jackson

‘Wearin’ of the Green’ parade brings delight, revelry to Baton Rouge streets.

The Advocate Online3/18/2017

Deputy Sheriff Bradford Allen Garafola, Officer Matthew Lane Gerald and Corporal Montrell Jackson are modern day heroes who lost their lives protecting the Baton Rouge area during the Summer of 2016. Each of these brave men were simply doing their job. We greatly appreciate everything our first responders do for us. The Parade Group chose to recognize their sacrifice and the sacrifices of all of our first responders by honoring the families of the fallen officers. In attendance were loved ones from each of their families.

2016 Rick Nevils

“St. Anthony comes to the rescue in St. Patrick’s Misfortune.”

The Advocate  3/20/2016

Local attorney Richard Barry Nevils, known to close friends as “Lawva Nevils” or Rick, was our 2016 Grand Marshal. An avid golfer, Rick Nevils originated The Baton Rouge Irish Open in Baton Rouge that was held in the parade years from 1987 until 1996. “I remember our tournament at Santa Maria and it snowed” mumbled Lawyer Nevils. The By Invitation Only tournament was resurrected in 2016, under the title of “The Rick Nevils Memorial Par 3 Golf Tournament.”

2015 Robert G Hammett

“Live, in person, streaming Green”

The Advocate3/11/2015

In 2015, Robert G. Hammett, Jr. was the Grand Marshal. Joining him on his Grand Marshal ride was his wife and some of his family.

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